In vocabulary comprehension lessons, you will find that the steps are repeated. It is very important not to skip these steps but to repeat them. The goal is not to teach you something new but to train your brain correctly. If you skip this step, you might experience blocks when speaking in public. Remember, spaced repetition is the best way to retain vocabulary.
Operations Management:
Our operational structure is designed to maximize efficiency and performance across various sectors. Teams are grouped into clusters, fostering healthy competition around key metrics, overseen by experienced cluster managers. Continuous monitoring of team performance allows us to swiftly implement corrective measures related to quality and compliance. Additionally, we emphasize career growth opportunities for high-performing individuals, backed by a robust 24/7 control center that acts as our operational nerve center, ensuring rapid issue escalation and resolution.
Regular verbs in Past Tense:
Verbs in present tense, third-person singular:
Nouns in Plural:
Other words:
1. Oversee
Definition: To oversee means to have general control or responsibility for a project, process, or group of people. It involves ensuring that everything is on track and aligns with the intended goals, but it doesn't necessarily involve direct involvement in the day-to-day tasks.
The manager was assigned to oversee the new marketing campaign.
She oversees multiple departments within the company.
Context: Oversee suggests a broader level of responsibility and authority, often at a higher level, focusing on the big picture.
2. Supervise
Definition: To supervise means to watch over and direct the work or activities of others. It involves more direct involvement and guidance in the day-to-day tasks and ensuring that the work is being done correctly.
The teacher supervises the students during their exams.
He was hired to supervise the construction team.
Context: Supervise implies closer, more hands-on management of people or tasks, often on a daily basis.
3. Track
Definition: To track means to keep a record of progress, developments, or changes over time. It involves following the progress or status of something systematically.
We need to track the sales numbers weekly.
She tracks her fitness progress with an app.
Context: Track is used when the focus is on gathering data or keeping a détailed account of something over time.
4. Monitor
Definition: To monitor means to continuously observe, check, or assess something to ensure it meets the desired standards or to detect any issues. It often involves ongoing observation.
The IT team monitors the network for any security breaches.
We monitor the weather conditions closely before making decisions.
Context: Monitor involves ongoing observation and vigilance, often to detect changes or issues.
5. Follow Up
Definition: To follow up means to check on the progress or outcomes of a task, action, or communication after it has been initiated. It ensures that things are completed or that responses are received.
I’ll follow up with you next week to see how the project is going.
The doctor will follow up after the treatment to ensure recovery.
Context: Follow up is used when there’s a need to check the status or outcome of something that has already been started, often to ensure completion or resolution.
Oversee: Broad, high-level responsibility for a project or group, focusing on the overall direction.
Supervise: Directly managing and guiding tasks or people on a day-to-day basis.
Track: Keeping a record of progress or developments over time.
Monitor: Continuous observation to ensure standards are met or to detect issues.
Follow Up: Checking in on the progress or outcome of a task or action after it has begun.
1. Standards
Definition: Standards refer to established benchmarks, criteria, or guidelines that define what is expected in terms of performance, behavior, or production. They are often set by organizations, industries, or governing bodies to ensure consistency, safety, and efficiency.
The company follows industry standards for data security.
Educational standards vary from country to country.
Context: Standards are the predefined expectations or rules that guide how something should be done or evaluated. They serve as the foundation for measuring compliance and performance.
2. Quality
Definition: Quality refers to the degree of excellence or the overall standard of something, often measured against those standards. It reflects how well a product, service, or process meets the expectations or requirements.
The quality of the product exceeded our expectations.
We strive to maintain high quality in all our services.
Context: Quality is the assessment or outcome that indicates how good something is. It’s a measure of the value, durability, effectiveness, or satisfaction provided by a product or service.
Standards: The benchmarks or criteria that define what is expected or required.
Quality: The measure of how well something meets those standards or the level of excellence it achieves.
1. Regulation
Definition: Regulation refers to a rule or law that is created and enforced by a governmental or authoritative body to control or manage specific activities or industries. Regulations are designed to ensure safety, fairness, and consistency within a particular sector.
Environmental regulations require companies to limit their carbon emissions.
Financial regulations mandate strict reporting standards for banks.
Context: Regulation is the official rule or law that organizations must follow. These are often broad and apply to entire industries or sectors.
2. Compliance
Definition: Compliance refers to the act of
adhering to or following the regulations, standards, or lOws set by an authoritative body. It involves ensuring that the practices,
processes, and operations of an organization align with the relevant regulations.
The company ensures compliance with all safety regulations.
Regular audits are conducted to maintain compliance with industry standards.
Context: Compliance is the process of following the regulations. It’s about making sure that the organization is doing what is required by the rules or laws that apply to them.
Regulation: The official rules or laws that govern specific activities or industries, set by an authoritative body.
Compliance: The act of following or adhering to those regulations, ensuring that an organization meets the required standards.
Track: Es observar y registrar datos sin intervenir en el proceso. Por ejemplo, puedes seguir la ruta de un conductor, las horas de estudio de un alumno, el tiempo que pasas en el móvil o los pasos que has dado durante el día. Solo recolectas información sin influir en lo que está ocurriendo.
Follow up: Es revisar y actuar en base a la información recopilada. Esto incluye verificar el progreso, corregir problemas, y proporcionar retroalimentación. Es el proceso de asegurar que las tareas se completen correctamente y hacer ajustes si es necesario.
Oversee: Es típico de roles de alto nivel, como directivos o supervisores de alto rango. Implica vigilar y dirigir el trabajo de otros desde una perspectiva más amplia. Se enfoca en asegurarse de que todo esté en camino y alineado con los objetivos generales, sin involucrarse directamente en las tareas diarias.
Supervise: Es más común entre managers y supervisores de nivel medio. Implica gestionar y guiar el trabajo de las personas de manera más directa y diaria. Incluye tareas como coordinar actividades, resolver problemas y asegurarse de que el trabajo se realice correctamente.
"Meet" es un verbo muy utilizado en contextos profesionales para expresar que algo cumple o satisface un criterio o requisito específico. Se usa porque tiene el sentido de "encontrarse con" o "alcanzar" algo que se ha establecido o que se espera.
Imagina "meet" como una línea de meta en una carrera. Cuando decimos que algo "meets expectations" o "meets the deadline", estamos indicando que ese algo ha llegado hasta la línea de meta que se había fijado. Es una forma visual de entender que se ha alcanzado el objetivo establecido.
Usar "meet" en lugar de otros verbos como "achieve" o "satisfy" es útil porque implica un cumplimiento directo y específico de lo que se ha requerido. Es una forma clara y concreta de decir que se ha cumplido con los requisitos o expectativas establecidas.
Meet the criteria → Cumplir con los criterios establecidos.
The candidate meets the criteria for the position.
Meet objectives → Alcanzar los objetivos establecidos.
The team met the objectives of the project.
Meet the standards → Cumplir con los estándares especificados.
The report meets the industry standards.
Meet the expectations of stakeholders → Cumplir con las expectativas de las partes interesadas.
The company’s performance meets the expectations of its stakeholders.
Meet the needs → Satisfacer las necesidades.
The new system meets the needs of our customers.
Meet deadlines → Cumplir con los plazos establecidos.
The department consistently meets deadlines.
"Ongoing" es un adjetivo frecuentemente utilizado en contextos profesionales para describir algo que ocurre de manera continua y sin interrupción, algo que se desarrolla a lo largo del tiempo. Es preferido sobre "continuous" porque transmite no solo la idea de que algo no se detiene, sino también que está en un proceso activo y en evolución. "Ongoing" enfatiza la naturaleza dinámica y la persistencia del proceso, mientras que "continuous" a veces puede sonar más estático o mecánico.
Cuando decimos que hay una "ongoing observation" (observación continua), estamos indicando que la observación no se limita a un momento específico, sino que se mantiene activa y constante para asegurar el cumplimiento de estándares, detectar problemas o hacer ajustes necesarios.
Ongoing observation → Observación continua
The project requires ongoing observation to ensure quality.
El proyecto requiere una observación continua para asegurar la calidad.
Ongoing training → Capacitación continua
The company provides ongoing training for employees to keep their skills up-to-date.
La empresa ofrece capacitación continua a los empleados para mantener sus habilidades actualizadas.
Ongoing project → Proyecto en curso
We have several ongoing projects that require regular updates.
Tenemos varios proyectos en curso que requieren actualizaciones regulares.
Ongoing evaluation → Evaluación continua
The ongoing evaluation helps us measure the effectiveness of our strategies.
La evaluación continua nos ayuda a medir la efectividad de nuestras estrategias.
Ongoing support → Soporte continuo
Our customer service team offers ongoing support to address any issues that arise.
Nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente ofrece soporte continuo para resolver cualquier problema que surja.
Ongoing collaboration → Colaboración continua
We maintain ongoing collaboration with our partners to ensure project success.
Mantenemos una colaboración continua con nuestros socios para asegurar el éxito del proyecto.
Ongoing process → Proceso continuo
Improving customer satisfaction is an ongoing process for our company.
Mejorar la satisfacción del cliente es un proceso continuo para nuestra empresa.
El desempeño financiero de la empresa se evaluará en comparación con los puntos de referencia internacionales para determinar su posición competitiva.
Educational institutions often use standardized test scores as benchmarks to evaluate student progress and curriculum effectiveness.
Las instituciones educativas a menudo utilizan las puntuaciones de pruebas estandarizadas como puntos de referencia para evaluar el progreso de los estudiantes y la efectividad del plan de estudios.
The development team set specific benchmarks for code quality and performance to ensure the new application meets industry standards.
El equipo de desarrollo estableció puntos de referencia específicos para la calidad del código y el rendimiento para asegurar que la nueva aplicación cumpla con los estándares de la industria.
to compare its performance against industry benchmarks → comparar su rendimiento con los puntos de referencia
will be assessed against international benchmarks → se evaluará en comparación con los puntos de referencia internacionales
use it as a benchmark → utiliza esto como punto de referencia
set specific benchmarks for quality processes → establecer puntos de referencia específicos para la calidad
Ambos términos describen amplitud, pero "broad" es más abstracto y conceptual, mientras que "wide" es más concreto y físico.
The company has developed a broad range of products to cater to different market segments.
La empresa ha desarrollado una amplia gama de productos para atender a diferentes segmentos de mercado.
broad = extensa variedad de productos ofrecidos por la empresa
Our new strategy involves a broad analysis of global market trends to identify potential opportunities.
Nuestra nueva estrategia implica un análisis amplio de las tendencias del mercado global para identificar oportunidades potenciales.
broad = análisis
extenso, que cubre múltiples tendencias y regiones
The initiative aims to address a broad spectrum of issues related to environmental sustainability.
La iniciativa tiene como objetivo abordar un amplio espectro de problemas relacionados con la sostenibilidad ambiental.
broad = una amplia variedad de problemas
The executive summary provides a broad overview of the project’s goals and objectives.
El resumen ejecutivo ofrece una visión amplia de los objetivos y metas del proyecto.