C-Level Conversation Drills

practice 17. Operation management. Vocabulary comprehension

Step 1. Read these words out loud several times.Pay attention to your pronunciation.


It's essential to read these words aloud every time you open a lesson, and never skip this step.

  • Structure = Operational structure
  • Maximize = Optimize
  • Performance = Achievement
  • Teams = Clusters
  • Groups = Clusters
  • Metrics = Key metrics
  • Monitored = Tracked
  • Implement = Deploy
  • Corrective = Corrective measures
  • Quality = Standards
  • Compliance = Regulations
  • Opportunities = Career growth
  • Backed = Supported
  • Robust = Strong
  • Control center = 24/7 control center
  • Issue = Problem
  • Escalation = Rapid escalation
  • Resolution = Solution
  • Various sectors = diverse domains

Step 2.

  • Read the text aloud.
  • Pay close attention to the proper pronunciation.
  • Remember that the intonation should always be downward, never upward.

Operations Management:


To succeed in any project, it’s crucial to meet the requirements established at the outset. This means adhering to the criteria for quality and compliance, while striving to meet the objectives set by the team. It’s also important to consistently meet the standards of the industry and fulfill the expectations of stakeholders, ensuring their satisfaction. Additionally, addressing the needs of our clients and effectively meeting deadlines are key to successful project execution.

Step 3. First, read the words carefully and listen to their pronunciation. Then read carefully the explanation of how to use the words. Be patient. Read slowly,  ALWAYS OUT LOUD, and make sure you understand what you are reading.


It's essential to read these words aloud every time you open a lesson, and never skip this step.

Regular verbs in Past Tense: 


  • was assigned → "was a-sáind"
  • was hired → "was hái-erd"
  • detailed → "-teild"
  • conducted → "con-dák-tid"
  • completed → "com-plí-tid"
  • evaluated → "i--lu-ei-tid"


Verbs in present tense, third-person singular:

  • oversees → "ou-ver-sí"
  • supervises → "sú-per-vaiz"
  • tracks → "trak"
  • monitors → "mó-ni-ter"
  • follows → "fó-louz"
  • ensures → "en-shúerz"
  • mandates → "mán-deits"
  • requires → "ri-kuái-ers"
  • varies → "vé-riiz"
  • strives → "straivz"
  • exceeds → "ek-síidz"
  • refers → "ri-férz"
  • meets → "miiitz"



Nouns in Plural:

  • departments → "di-párt-ments"
  • exams → "ig-záms"
  • numbers → "nám-bers"
  • exteriors → "eks--ri-orz"
  • interiors → "in--ri-orz"
  • standards → "stán-derdz"
  • expectations → "eks-pek-téi-shenz"
  • regulations → "re-gu-léi-shenz"
  • emissions → "i-mí-shenz"
  • operations → "a-pe-réi-shenz"
  • laws → "lós"
  • banks → "bánks"
  • benchmarks → "bénch-marks"
  • audits → "ó-dits"
  • industries → "ín-das-triz"
  • services → "sér-vi-siz"
  • practices → "prák-ti-siz"
  • processes → "pró-se-siz"
  • responses → "ri-spón-siz"
  • changes → "chéin-jis"

Other words:

  • multiple → "mál-ti-pel"
  • construction → "kon-strák-shen"
  • industries → "ín-das-triz"
  • direct → "dai-rékt" 
  • supervises → "-per-vaiz-iz"
  • developments → "di-vél-op-ments"
  • project → "pró-dject"
  • should → "shud"
  • authoritative → "o-thó-ri-ta-tiv"
  • compliance → "kom-plái-ans"
  • criteria → "krai tiíi rii a"
  • adhering  → "ad hí e rin"

Step 4.




"Meet" es un verbo muy utilizado en contextos profesionales para expresar que algo cumple o satisface un criterio o requisito específico. Se usa porque tiene el sentido de "encontrarse con" o "alcanzar" algo que se ha establecido o que se espera.


Imagina "meet" como una línea de meta en una carrera. Cuando decimos que algo "meets expectations" o "meets the deadline", estamos indicando que ese algo ha llegado hasta la línea de meta que se había fijado. Es una forma visual de entender que se ha alcanzado el objetivo establecido.


Usar "meet" en lugar de otros verbos como "achieve" o "satisfy" es útil porque implica un cumplimiento directo y específico de lo que se ha requerido. Es una forma clara y concreta de decir que se ha cumplido con los requisitos o expectativas establecidas.


  • Meet requirements → Cumplir con los requisitos.
  • The software meets all the technical requirements.
  • Meet the criteria → Cumplir con los criterios establecidos.

  • The candidate meets the criteria for the position.

  • Meet objectives → Alcanzar los objetivos establecidos.

  • The team met the objectives of the project.

  • Meet the standards → Cumplir con los estándares especificados.

  • The report meets the industry standards.

  • Meet the expectations of stakeholders → Cumplir con las expectativas de las partes interesadas.

  • The company’s performance meets the expectations of its stakeholders.

  • Meet the needs → Satisfacer las necesidades.

  • The new system meets the needs of our customers.

  • Meet deadlines → Cumplir con los plazos establecidos.

  • The department consistently meets deadlines.


La palabra "stakeholders" puede tener diferentes significados dependiendo del contexto. 

1. Inversores o Socios Financieros

"Our investors are key stakeholders in our company. They provide the necessary capital and expect a return on their investment, which makes their interests critical to our business decisions."

2. Grupos de Interés Comunitario

"Local environmental NGOs are stakeholders in our new factory project because they are concerned about its potential impact on the local wildlife and natural resources."

3. Usuarios Finales o Consumidores

"End users are important stakeholders in the development of our new software application. Their feedback helps us ensure that the product meets their needs and improves their user experience."

4. Miembros de la Junta Directiva o Comités

"Board members are stakeholders in the company's strategic planning process. Their role is to oversee and provide guidance on the long-term goals and direction of the organization."

5. Autoridades Locales o Regionales


"Local government officials are stakeholders in our urban development project, as they are responsible for ensuring that the project complies with zoning laws and benefits the community."

Step 5: Utilize Quizlet to reinforce and retain the professional vocabulary covered in this lesson.

conceptual translation vocabulary

Step 6.

  • Translate this text into English.
  • Pay close attention to accurate translation.
  • Compare the translated text with the original and learn from any mistakes.

Para tener éxito en cualquier proyecto, es crucial cumplir con los requisitos establecidos al inicio. Esto implica adherirse a los criterios de calidad y cumplimiento, mientras se trabaja para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos por el equipo. También es importante cumplir constantemente con los estándares de la industria y satisfacer las expectativas de los interesados, asegurando su satisfacción. Además, atender las necesidades de nuestros clientes y cumplir efectivamente con los plazos son clave para la ejecución exitosa del proyecto.

Step 7.


  • Write a short text related to your daily work using the new vocabulary words from this lesson.
  • Upload it to the campus.

Congratulations. The practice is over.