C-Level Conversation Drills

practice 19. Operation management. Vocabulary comprehension

Step 1. Read these words out loud several times.Pay attention to your pronunciation.


It's essential to read these words aloud every time you open a lesson, and never skip this step.

  • Structure = Operational structure
  • Maximize = Optimize
  • Performance = Achievement
  • Teams = Clusters
  • Groups = Clusters
  • Metrics = Key metrics
  • Monitored = Tracked
  • Implement = Deploy
  • Corrective = Corrective measures
  • Quality = Standards
  • Compliance = Regulations
  • Opportunities = Career growth
  • Backed = Supported
  • Robust = Strong
  • Control center = 24/7 control center
  • Issue = Problem
  • Escalation = Rapid escalation
  • Resolution = Solution
  • Various sectors = diverse domains

Step 2.

  • Read the text aloud.
  • Pay close attention to the proper pronunciation.
  • Remember that the intonation should always be downward, never upward.


To enhance our software, it is crucial to compare its performance against industry benchmarks. This approach allows us to identify areas for improvement and ensure our product remains competitive. Similarly, the company's financial performance will be assessed against international benchmarks to determine its competitive position in the global market.
In the educational sector, standardized test scores are often used as benchmarks to evaluate student progress and the effectiveness of curricula. This practice helps institutions ensure that educational standards are met and that students are achieving their learning objectives.
Moreover, the development team has set specific benchmarks for code quality and performance. By establishing these benchmarks, we can guarantee that the new application not only meets but exceeds industry standards.
Overall, using benchmarks effectively enables us to compare performance, evaluate progress, and set specific goals to drive continuous improvement.

Step 3. First, read the words carefully and listen to their pronunciation. Then read carefully the explanation of how to use the words. Be patient. Read slowly,  ALWAYS OUT LOUD, and make sure you understand what you are reading.


It's essential to read these words aloud every time you open a lesson, and never skip this step.

Regular verbs in Past Tense: 


  • was assigned → "was a-sáind"
  • was hired → "was hái-erd"
  • detailed → "-teild"
  • conducted → "con-dák-tid"
  • completed → "com-plí-tid"
  • evaluated → "i--lu-ei-tid"


Verbs in present tense, third-person singular:

  • oversees → "ou-ver-sí"
  • supervises → "sú-per-vaiz"
  • tracks → "trak"
  • monitors → "mó-ni-ter"
  • follows → "fó-louz"
  • ensures → "en-shúerz"
  • mandates → "mán-deits"
  • requires → "ri-kuái-ers"
  • varies → "vé-riiz"
  • strives → "straivz"
  • exceeds → "ek-síidz"
  • refers → "ri-férz"
  • meets → "miiitz"



Nouns in Plural:

  • departments → "di-párt-ments"
  • exams → "ig-záms"
  • numbers → "nám-bers"
  • exteriors → "eks--ri-orz"
  • interiors → "in--ri-orz"
  • standards → "stán-derdz"
  • expectations → "eks-pek-téi-shenz"
  • regulations → "re-gu-léi-shenz"
  • emissions → "i-mí-shenz"
  • operations → "a-pe-réi-shenz"
  • laws → "lós"
  • banks → "bánks"
  • benchmarks → "bénch-marks"
  • audits → "ó-dits"
  • industries → "ín-das-triz"
  • services → "sér-vi-siz"
  • practices → "prák-ti-siz"
  • processes → "pró-se-siz"
  • responses → "ri-spón-siz"
  • changes → "chéin-jis"

Other words:

  • multiple → "mál-ti-pel"
  • construction → "kon-strák-shen"
  • industries → "ín-das-triz"
  • direct → "dai-rékt" 
  • supervises → "-per-vaiz-iz"
  • developments → "di-vél-op-ments"
  • project → "pró-dject"
  • should → "shud"
  • authoritative → "o-thó-ri-ta-tiv"
  • compliance → "kom-plái-ans"



Step 3.





  • To improve our software, we need to compare its performance against industry benchmarks.
  • Para mejorar nuestro software, necesitamos comparar su rendimiento con los puntos de referencia de la industria. 
  • The company's financial performance will be assessed against international benchmarks to determine its competitive position.
  • El desempeño financiero de la empresa se evaluará en comparación con los puntos de referencia internacionales para determinar su posición competitiva.

  • Educational institutions often use standardized test scores as benchmarks to evaluate student progress and curriculum effectiveness.

  • Las instituciones educativas a menudo utilizan las puntuaciones de pruebas estandarizadas como puntos de referencia para evaluar el progreso de los estudiantes y la efectividad del plan de estudios.

  • The development team set specific benchmarks for code quality and performance to ensure the new application meets industry standards.

  • El equipo de desarrollo estableció puntos de referencia específicos para la calidad del código y el rendimiento para asegurar que la nueva aplicación cumpla con los estándares de la industria.

  • to compare its performance against industry benchmarks → comparar su rendimiento con los puntos de referencia

  • will be assessed against international benchmarks →  se evaluará en comparación con los puntos de referencia internacionales 

  • use it as a benchmark → utiliza esto como punto de referencia

  •  set specific benchmarks for quality processes  → establecer puntos de referencia específicos para la calidad


Step 5: Utilize Quizlet to reinforce and retain the professional vocabulary covered in this lesson.

conceptual translation vocabulary

Step 6.

  • Translate this text into English.
  • Pay close attention to accurate translation.
  • Compare the translated text with the original and learn from any mistakes.

Para mejorar nuestro software, es crucial comparar su rendimiento con los puntos de referencia de la industria. Este enfoque nos permite identificar áreas de mejora y asegurar que nuestro producto se mantenga competitivo. De manera similar, el desempeño financiero de la empresa se evaluará en comparación con los puntos de referencia internacionales para determinar su posición competitiva en el mercado global.

En el sector educativo, las puntuaciones de pruebas estandarizadas se utilizan a menudo como puntos de referencia para evaluar el progreso de los estudiantes y la efectividad de los planes de estudio. Esta práctica ayuda a las instituciones a garantizar que se cumplan los estándares educativos y que los estudiantes alcancen sus objetivos de aprendizaje.

Además, el equipo de desarrollo ha establecido puntos de referencia específicos para la calidad del código y el rendimiento. Al fijar estos puntos de referencia, podemos garantizar que la nueva aplicación no solo cumpla, sino que supere los estándares de la industria.

En general, utilizar puntos de referencia de manera efectiva nos permite comparar el rendimiento, evaluar el progreso y establecer objetivos específicos para impulsar la mejora continua.

Step 7.


  • Write a short text related to your daily work using the new vocabulary words from this lesson.
  • Upload it to the campus.

Congratulations. The practice is over.