C-Level Conversation Drills

practice 20. Operation management. Vocabulary comprehension

Step 1. Read these words out loud several times.Pay attention to your pronunciation.


It's essential to read these words aloud every time you open a lesson, and never skip this step.

  • Structure = Operational structure
  • Maximize = Optimize
  • Performance = Achievement
  • Teams = Clusters
  • Groups = Clusters
  • Metrics = Key metrics
  • Monitored = Tracked
  • Implement = Deploy
  • Corrective = Corrective measures
  • Quality = Standards
  • Compliance = Regulations
  • Opportunities = Career growth
  • Backed = Supported
  • Robust = Strong
  • Control center = 24/7 control center
  • Issue = Problem
  • Escalation = Rapid escalation
  • Resolution = Solution
  • Various sectors = diverse domains

Step 2.

  • Read the text aloud.
  • Pay close attention to the proper pronunciation.
  • Remember that the intonation should always be downward, never upward.

Operations Management:


Our company addresses diverse needs with a broad range of products that cater to different market segments. To identify opportunities, we conduct a broad analysis of global trends, while also tackling a broad spectrum of environmental issues with solutions that span a wide array of challenges.

In terms of physical space, our new office features a wide open-plan layout that enhances collaboration and provides a broad area for various activities. Our distribution network covers a wide area, ensuring efficient deliveries, and our training programs offer a broad range of modules for different skill levels. Additionally, the conference venue provided a wide space for comfortable and effective participation.

Step 3. First, read the words carefully and listen to their pronunciation. Then read carefully the explanation of how to use the words. Be patient. Read slowly,  ALWAYS OUT LOUD, and make sure you understand what you are reading.


It's essential to read these words aloud every time you open a lesson, and never skip this step.

Regular verbs in Past Tense: 


  • was assigned → "was a-sáind"
  • was hired → "was hái-erd"
  • detailed → "-teild"
  • conducted → "con-dák-tid"
  • completed → "com-plí-tid"
  • evaluated → "i--lu-ei-tid"


Verbs in present tense, third-person singular:

  • oversees → "ou-ver-sí"
  • supervises → "sú-per-vaiz"
  • tracks → "trak"
  • monitors → "mó-ni-ter"
  • follows → "fó-louz"
  • ensures → "en-shúerz"
  • mandates → "mán-deits"
  • requires → "ri-kuái-ers"
  • varies → "vé-riiz"
  • strives → "straivz"
  • exceeds → "ek-síidz"
  • refers → "ri-férz"
  • meets → "miiitz"



Nouns in Plural:

  • departments → "di-párt-ments"
  • exams → "ig-záms"
  • numbers → "nám-bers"
  • exteriors → "eks--ri-orz"
  • interiors → "in--ri-orz"
  • standards → "stán-derdz"
  • expectations → "eks-pek-téi-shenz"
  • regulations → "re-gu-léi-shenz"
  • emissions → "i-mí-shenz"
  • operations → "a-pe-réi-shenz"
  • laws → "lós"
  • banks → "bánks"
  • benchmarks → "bénch-marks"
  • audits → "ó-dits"
  • industries → "ín-das-triz"
  • services → "sér-vi-siz"
  • practices → "prák-ti-siz"
  • processes → "pró-se-siz"
  • responses → "ri-spón-siz"
  • changes → "chéin-jis"

Other words:

  • multiple → "mál-ti-pel"
  • construction → "kon-strák-shen"
  • industries → "ín-das-triz"
  • direct → "dai-rékt" 
  • supervises → "-per-vaiz-iz"
  • developments → "di-vél-op-ments"
  • project → "pró-dject"
  • should → "shud"
  • authoritative → "o-thó-ri-ta-tiv"
  • compliance → "kom-plái-ans"



Step 4




  • "Broad": Se refiere a un alcance o cobertura extensa, especialmente en términos de ideas, categorías o aplicaciones.
  • "Wide": Se refiere a la medida física o espacial de algo.


Ambos términos describen amplitud, pero "broad" es más abstracto y conceptual, mientras que "wide" es más concreto y físico.


  • The company has developed a broad range of products to cater to different market segments.

  • La empresa ha desarrollado una amplia gama de productos para atender a diferentes segmentos de mercado.

  • broad = extensa variedad de productos ofrecidos por la empresa


  • Our new strategy involves a broad analysis of global market trends to identify potential opportunities.

  • Nuestra nueva estrategia implica un análisis amplio de las tendencias del mercado global para identificar oportunidades potenciales.

  • broad =  análisis 

    extenso, que cubre múltiples tendencias y regiones


  • The initiative aims to address a broad spectrum of issues related to environmental sustainability.

  • La iniciativa tiene como objetivo abordar un amplio espectro de problemas relacionados con la sostenibilidad ambiental.

  • broad = una amplia variedad de problemas 


  • The executive summary provides a broad overview of the project’s goals and objectives.

  • El resumen ejecutivo ofrece una visión amplia de los objetivos y metas del proyecto.

  • broad = visión general extensa 

Step 5: Utilize Quizlet to reinforce and retain the professional vocabulary covered in this lesson.

conceptual translation vocabulary

Step 6.

  • Translate this text into English.
  • Pay close attention to accurate translation.
  • Compare the translated text with the original and learn from any mistakes.

Nuestra empresa aborda diversas necesidades con una amplia gama de productos que atienden a diferentes segmentos del mercado. Para identificar oportunidades, realizamos un análisis amplio de las tendencias globales y abordamos un amplio espectro de problemas ambientales con soluciones que abarcan una amplia variedad de desafíos.

En cuanto al espacio físico, nuestra nueva oficina presenta un diseño espacioso en un plano abierto que mejora la colaboración y proporciona un área amplia para diversas actividades. Nuestra red de distribución cubre una amplia área, asegurando entregas eficientes, y nuestros programas de formación ofrecen una amplia gama de módulos para diferentes niveles de habilidad. Además, el lugar de la conferencia proporcionó un espacio amplio para una participación cómoda y efectiva.

Step 7.


  • Write a short text related to your daily work using the new vocabulary words from this lesson.
  • Upload it to the campus.

Congratulations. The practice is over.