C-Level Conversation Drills

practice 14. Operation management. reading

Step 1. Read these words out loud several times.Pay attention to your pronunciation.

  • Operational - Operéishenal
  • Structure - Strák-chur
  • Efficiency - Efi-shen-si
  • Performance - Per-fór-mans
  • Clusters - Clós-ters
  • Metrics - Métriks
  • Overseen - Óuver-sin
  • Continuous - Con-tíniuas
  • Implement - Ím-ple-ment
  • Corrective - Co-rék-tiv
  • Measures - Méshurs
  • Quality - Kúo-li-ti
  • Fraud - Fród
  • Prevention - Pri-vén-shen
  • Career - Ca-ríar
  • Growth - Grouth (como “growth” de “growth hacking”)
  • Opportunities - O-por-tiúnitis
  • Backed - Bákt
  • Robust - Ro-búst
  • Escalation - Es-ca-léishen
  • Resolution - Re-so-lú-shen
  • Various - Vé-rious
  • Allows - A-láus

Step 2.

  • Read the text aloud.
  • Pay close attention to the proper pronunciation.
  • Remember that the intonation should always be downward, never upward.

Operations Management:


Our operational structure is designed to maximize efficiency and performance across various sectors. Teams are grouped into clusters, fostering healthy competition around key metrics, overseen by experienced cluster managers. Continuous monitoring of team performance allows us to swiftly implement corrective measures related to quality and compliance. Additionally, we emphasize career growth opportunities for high-performing individuals, backed by a robust 24/7 control center that acts as our operational nerve center, ensuring rapid issue escalation and resolution.

Step 3: Utilize Quizlet to reinforce and retain the professional vocabulary covered in this lesson.

Step 4. Read the words used in professional English for the following concepts:

  • Structure = Operational structure
  • Maximize = Optimize
  • Performance = Achievement
  • Teams = Clusters
  • Groups = Clusters
  • Metrics = Key metrics
  • Monitored = Tracked
  • Implement = Deploy
  • Corrective = Corrective measures
  • Quality = Standards
  • Compliance = Regulations
  • Opportunities = Career growth
  • Backed = Supported
  • Robust = Strong
  • Control center = 24/7 control center
  • Issue = Problem
  • Escalation = Rapid escalation
  • Resolution = Solution
  • Various sectors = diverse domains

Step 5.

  • Read the text aloud.
  • Pay close attention to the proper pronunciation.
  • Remember that the intonation should always be downward, never upward.

Step 6.


  • Read the text from step 2 out loud several times.
  • Record your best reading.
  • Upload it to the campus.

Congratulations. The practice is over.